As you probably well know, it is one thing to set goals and a. We decided to provide a report card on how each of us did working through the list of potential reads. Last year I set some book goals, and so did my co-host. Nerd Journey # 161 - Booking the Time to Read in 2022 Best Practices & General IT.On desktop Zebra printers, it's time to buy a new one. If changing the setting doesn't work, the print head is shot. The hotter the setting, the faster the head deteriorates. You want to set this as low as possible while still getting acceptable print quality. The higher the number, the hotter the head. This setting can be accessed through the windows print driver under "Printer Defaults". This actually controls the temperature of the print head. Since the thermal head deteriorates over time, it is necessary to adjust the "darkness" setting on the printer. If nothing prints, you know the issue is not software. On ours, the single flash will print the config page. Each flash sequence performs a different function. We have GX420T and if you hold down the button, it will go through a flashing menu one flash, double flash, triple flash, etc. Zebra printers can print a configuration page by use of the button on the top of the printer.

We eventually replaced it with a Wasp Barcode printer for our own documents, but continue to use the Zebra for UPS without issues. and if you have to use a 3rd party driver like I did, all the more difficult. These printers can be tricky to set up at best. (Come to think of it, check the margin settings in Quickbooks too, for the same reason) That's a very easy one to start with and cross off your list.
I have to +1 for checking your Paper Size - we had a similar issue before where the stocks in the driver had been changed around somehow (we blamed a driver update but never did verify it), it wasn't until we checked to make sure the paper size was right that we noticed - it was trying to print the document, but the stuff it was printing was "off the page", so the labels were blank.

We were able to find some drivers by Seagull Scientific that worked for us to use in the rare occasion we needed to print a label outside the UPS software. We have the same printer here, supplied to us by UPS.